Monday, October 6, 2008

IPOH Chapter 4

Target Practice
Part I
My wheel: Love-daughters, wife, mom, brother, friends,VBS, hobbies
Power-daughters, wife, mom, brother, friends, VBS, hobbies
Freedom-wife, mom, brother, friends,VBS, hobbies (daughters)
Fun-wife, daughters, mom, friends, VBS, hobbies (brother)

I think my life is balanced.
I guess I like to keep a small circle of friends and family. I think the bigger the circle gets, the more unbalanced my life would be. It would be easier to balance a few people on a see-saw rather than 100 people, it would have to be a very big see-saw and that would become complicated.

Part II

In order to continue with freedom in regards to my daughters, well, it's difficult to be independent when I am responsible for them, and in my decision making and choices of what I do. The only way I believe for me to work on this is letting them spend the night with nanny and papa maybe twice a month on weekends. It helps the relationship with my wife and the kids.

In order to continue to have fun with my brother, I need to MAKE time to see him and DO the things we like to do, such as, fish, hunt etc.