Monday, October 20, 2008

IPOH Chapter 6 Relationships

P 167 Target Practice
I think the person that I have sort of a problem with would be my brother. We live about 45 mins apart and talk to each other, maybe once or twice in a month. What I would like is spending more time with him and his family. I don't want to make excuses but with work, school, my kids and my wife's family, where do I find the time? But that might be the problem now that I think of it, instead of realizing I am the problem I want to blame him. I guess that is what the text has said all along. Blaming someone else to justify why my needs aren't met.

I recently went on a river rafting trip to the New River Gorge, WV for bridge day and along the way we stopped to eat at a well known place in Stanton, Va, the Rowe's Family Restaurant. I was at the register checking out and noticed the lady taking my receipt, she appeared to be stressed (she was about 5'3, late 60's, reminded me of a relative).
Of course she was, I thought, as there was a house full of customers. So I started to make small conversation with her and told her she seemed to be a busy bee. This restaurant is known for its homemade pies. We thought that a Banana Cream Pie for dessert would be perfect. I asked her if we could order one to be made so that we could pick it up on Sunday on our return from WV. I said to her, you may be a busy bee but I have enjoyed the conversation and wished her to have a great day as I smiled and winked. You could actually see relief in her face as she took a moment to say, Thank you young man.
I believe I made her day by just taking notice at her hard work. And would you know the pie was delicious. I recommend the restaurant for any of you passing through Stanton, Va where I64 meets with I81.