Monday, October 6, 2008

IPOH Chapter 4

Target Practice
Part I
My wheel: Love-daughters, wife, mom, brother, friends,VBS, hobbies
Power-daughters, wife, mom, brother, friends, VBS, hobbies
Freedom-wife, mom, brother, friends,VBS, hobbies (daughters)
Fun-wife, daughters, mom, friends, VBS, hobbies (brother)

I think my life is balanced.
I guess I like to keep a small circle of friends and family. I think the bigger the circle gets, the more unbalanced my life would be. It would be easier to balance a few people on a see-saw rather than 100 people, it would have to be a very big see-saw and that would become complicated.

Part II

In order to continue with freedom in regards to my daughters, well, it's difficult to be independent when I am responsible for them, and in my decision making and choices of what I do. The only way I believe for me to work on this is letting them spend the night with nanny and papa maybe twice a month on weekends. It helps the relationship with my wife and the kids.

In order to continue to have fun with my brother, I need to MAKE time to see him and DO the things we like to do, such as, fish, hunt etc.


Anonymous said...

I got to spend some long over due time with my brother recently. It was good to see that even though we have our own families and what not we are still the same two little boys playing in the woods. Like I said it was long over due.

You sound like you have a balanced life. As balanced as we can be with our crazy schedules.

Jen said...

In 2005 I got to spend some long needed time with my little brother. He lives in MN so although we talk lots, we don't see each other as much.

He his hoping as soon as his degree is done, he will move back to the East Coast.

Balancing life and kids as every parent knows, is not easy. It's not easy to have to meet their needs and still be a spouse.
